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Sports World

During the brief life span of 32 years this college has become a major nerve centre of sports activities in the northern India. There always prevails an atmosphere of thrill, joy and action on college grounds which is looked after by the sports department and sports council. The sportsmen and the athletes excel their own performance every year through their skills, efforts and dedication.


This is perhaps the only college where sports have been accorded a place of pride. Here sportsmen are offered all the infrastructural facilities including moral encouragement and material recognition. That is why we find missionary zeal in our sports managers who are ever ready to spot and nurture talent in all fields of sports activity.


The college has produced a galaxy of top sportsmen in different disciplines, who have brought glory to the college and country at the national and international level.


Our sportsmen have excelled in the following disciplines : 

  • Athletics            
  • Badminton
  • Cricket
  • Chess
  • Football
  • Gymnastics
  • Judo
  • Kho - Kho
  • Kabaddi

Key Players & Achievements :


Our players who played International Kabaddi matches in ENGLAND.

College Kabaddi (N.S.) team which won Pbi. Uni. Inter College Championship.


  • Raj Kumar, a PGDCA student, brought laurels to the college by winning three Gold Medals in Gymnastics.
  • Kamal Sharma won  Gold medal in Punjabi Uni. Judo Championship.




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Bhupinder Singh ( Lecturer, Computer Science)